Monday, June 27, 2016

Skype For Slow Computers [How To / Download]

Download Skype Lite Version For Slow Computers Free

Do You Think that the current version of "Skype" causes your computer to hang down or slow? Or you cannot afford a faster computer? But want to make calls to your friends? Don't worry, Here comes the Lite Version for slow computers. In this version unwanted features which slow computer down are removed and only the useful ones are kept so enjoy the easy and light-weight version of Skype.

You will be little bit confused while installing it because it will install in background and the installation window will not show but after installation completes you can view the icon in Start Menu -> All Programs -> Internet. This Lightweight version removes the irritating toolbar and Mozilla , Explorer Plug-ins and also it removes the autorun on boo tup which might increase the boot up time. (However, this option can latter be enabled)

You can use Skype to do a lot of things which everyone knows are: video calling, conference calling, sharing files, instant messaging. This version of Skype may miss some features but the strength of performance is noticeable.The software runs perfectly on any computer, and the difference between standard Skype and Skype Lite are  Navigating through Lite is easier, and the CPU usage is minimal. You should try it.


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